7 Portraits with Presence
Among the greatest portraits, there are certain ones that fascinate me: portraits with presence. These paintings depict both famous and everyday people who may look back at us with a penetrating, meaningful stare. Or they might look down or away, in an intriguing way. I feel that I recognize these characters. They seem fully alive […]
Thoughts on Narrative Figure Drawing
This is a series of pieces about life drawing and what I call ‘character’ figure drawing, what is more commonly referred to as costume figure drawing. It is my focus in teaching in the third year of Sheridan’s animation program and in my own work.
Duis sagitis ipsum prasent
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia […]